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ISSN: 2231-184X

The Pioneer Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (hereafter PJCSET) (ISSN:2231-184X) is a peer-reviewed international academic journal devoted to publication of high quality original pioneering research papers in different areas of current interest in all aspects of Computer Science and Engineering Technology. The purpose of the journal is to provide academicians and young researchers worldwide high quality peer-reviewed research work incessantly and pertinently. The PJCSET currently publishes in two volumes annually each having two issues appearing in March, June, September and December.

Information to Subscribers

Institutional Subscription Price :

* Price in USD for USA and Canada
* Price in EURO for rest of the world

Online Subscription300.00375.00
Print Subscription350.00450.00
Print Subscription includes Online Access450.00550.00

Price in Indian Rs. (For Indian Institutions in India only:

 List Price
Print Subscription OnlyRs. 10000.00

The subscription year runs from January through December.

Institutions: Online access is based on IP Address.

Articles are available in PDF format.

All subscription rates are worldwide for print edition subscription.

All prices are subject to change without prior notice.

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