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ISSN: 2277–8799

The Pioneer Journal of Mathematical Physics and its Applications (hereafter PJMPA) is a peer-reviewed international academic journal of physics. The purpose of the journal is to provide academicians and young researchers worldwide high quality peer-reviewed research articles covering all aspects of mathematical physics. Interdisciplinary research works of multiple interests involving mathematical applications are encouraged.
Papers appearing in PJMPA will be reviewed/indexed in Zentralblatt für Mathematik databases.
Original research papers (Papers)
Review articles
Short Communications
Book Reviews/Proceedings of Conferences
Papers should be complete in themselves and supported by experimental details. The authors must guarantee that submitted manuscripts have not been published previously nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
Review articles should cover subjects falling within the scope of the journal which are of active current interest.
A Short Communication is a concise report of important findings that merit rapid publication.
Book Reviews/Proceedings of Conferences will be included in the journal on a range of relevant recent books.
Manuscripts should be submitted in .pdf or .doc files format including figures, tables and original photographs to Editorial Head Office with a letter of submission by e-mail.
E-mail to:
Online Submission:
Please go to Online Submission Page of our website:
We do, however, readily accept hardcopy. The authors should mail two hardcopies along with a submission letter at the address of Publisher.
Authors may suggest a list of names of potential referees.
For the initial submission of manuscripts and for the processing of accepted papers, an electronic version and the original photographs of the images are preferred. File format should be compatible with recent versions of Microsoft Word for text and JPEG for the images.
Articles received are immediately brought to the referees/members of the Board of Editors for their opinion. PSP follows double blind peer-reviewing process and for this purpose authors are requested to prepare two manuscripts one without having names of authors to be used for reviewing purpose. In case of clear recommendation for publication, the paper is accommodated in an issue to appear next.
Once a paper has been published it becomes property of “PIONEER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHER” and the authors must agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.
The abstract should give the most important results and should not exceed 250 words (100 words for a Short Communication), latest Mathematics Subject Classification and Keywords and phrases essentially.
The reference list at the end of the paper should be arranged and cited as follows:
Journal papers: H. Y. Jia and L. Y. Jiang, On non-linear elliptic equation with weight, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA 61 (2005), 477-483.
Books: D. W. Matula, G. Marble and J. D. Isaacson, Graph coloring algorithms, Graph Theory and Computing, R. Read, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1972, pp. 109-122.
H. L. Ehrlich, Geomicrobiology, 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1990.
Articles cited from a book or edited symposium: J. C. Burton, Rhizobium species. In: H. J. Peppler and D. Perlman, eds., Microbial Technology. Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 1979, pp. 29-31.
Figures: Figures should be sent as: fair copy on paper, whenever possible scaled to about 200%, or as EPS file (Encapsulated PostScript), clear and legible graphs, diagrams, charts, other line-drawings and photographs should be submitted with legends double-spaced on separate sheets. The figures must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
Tables: Tables are to be typed double-spaced including headings and footnotes. Each table should be typed on a separate page, numbered consecutively and without vertical lines.
Line-drawings: Please submit high-quality line diagrams in black ink on a white background. Inserted numerals, symbols and essential lettering should be no smaller than 2 mm after photographic reduction. Computer generated graphics may be laser printed.
Photographs: Black and white photographs should be well-contrasted glossy prints. Colour photographs are accepted.
Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for corrections after the paper is accepted for publication. Authors are requested to check their proofs very carefully before returning it to the publisher. Corrected proofs may be returned to the publisher electronically via e-mail.
Being a privately funded organization a small part of the publication cost, to maintain timely publication and circulation, the authors of accepted papers are requested to arrange print charges @ US$ 40 or equivalent to Euro (€) per page from their institutions/research grant, or any other sources. However, the Authors in India are charged with INR 900 per page.
A set of Twenty five reprints of a paper are provided to the authors ex-gratis. Additional sets of reprints can also be ordered during the proof correction @ Euro 10 or US$ 15 per page per set.